7th December 2009
The Last Episode (ρ_;)
Good morning. (^-^*)/
There was Koshonin 2 filming yesterday.(*^o^*)
It was location filming(1) so it was cold.(;_;)
Even though the clothes designer asked me "It's outdoor filming today so do you want to wear a momohiki(2)??"...
I acted cool and said "It's alright!!"(ρ°∩°)
It would be good if I just accepted it generously.(;_;)
I went back and took a bath and felt warmed.(-^〇^-)
Now, I am filming the last episode.(*^o^*) There were people who wrapped up(3) subsequently as the days passed so the actors are getting lesser.(;_;)
It's rare to have such a wonderful experience, so I will do my best with my utmost effort till the end.o(^-^)
(1) : location filming=outdoor filming
(2) : momohiki=googled it, and it is something like long johns. a traditional japanese style long john. xD main purpose is to keep you warm.
(3) : wrapped up=finished filming for the whole drama
8th December 2009(1am)
After 3 more days(^∀^)ノ
Even though the date has changed, I also went for Koshonin 2 filming today.(≧∇≦)
Today? Tomorrow ・ The day after tomorrow ・ It is predicted that we will wrap up the filming within these 3 days.(≧∇≦)
Time has passed by so quickly(;_;)
Even though it was summer when we started filming(ρ°∩°), it has totally become cold now.(-"-;)
However, it was really great that I could participate in this Koshonin Project.\(^ー^)/
It was good that I could challenge the filming without getting the new influenza.V(^-^)V
Including today, there's 3 more days.(^∀^)ノ I'll also continue doing my best from now.(`∇´ゞ
Sorry for the late update.(;_;)
8th December 2009(6.30pm)
Report 1☆
Today still seems like a long day.(≧∇≦)
It is a bliss that it is long.(;∇;)/
Even if it is only for a short period of time, I think I want to continue staying at this space.(4)o(^-^)o
Please look forward to episode 8 tomorrow.(・o・)ノ
(4) : I think it means that he wants to continue filming Koshonin? haha idk. ;_;
8th December 2009(8.30pm)
Report 2 ☆
This is a photo from the break time at noon today.(^_^)v
It looks like you can hear:"あ~ほぐれるわぁ~(5)" right?(≧∇≦)
There was a massager in the room.(^w^)
Then 笹野さん sat in it too. (*^o^*)
When I also wanted to sit in it,
break was over.(ρ_;)
Well, sometimes this kind of thing happens.(o^∀^o)
I'll still do my best for filming.\(^ー^)/
Correction for the blog entry just now...
Koshonin 2's OA is the day after tomorrow(*_*) (6)
I totally wasn't aware of which day it was(ノ△T) Well then, I'm off to the filming scene once again.(-^〇^-)
(5) : sorry,idk how to translate this. ;_; maybe it's something like "Ahh, I feel refreshed"?
(6) : Refer to the previous translation above. Ouji made a mistake saying that the OA is tomorrow(wed), where it should be on the day after tomorrow(thur). xD
8th December 2009(11pm)
Report 3☆
Today's location filming was filmed at such a wonderful place like this.(*^o^*)
Is it about time everyone is going to sleep??
I'm still going to do my best for filming for a little bit more.V(^-^)V
After it ends I'm going for a massage.V(^-^)V
Joking joking.(>_<)laughs
Sweet dreams, everyone. (^з^)-☆Chu!! (7)
(7) : Aww, so sweet. ♥
9th December 2009
The person in the twilight
Busy or
if the time is spent to the fullest, it is fine.(*^o^*) (8)
I was thinking like this in the night of the picture.\(^ー^)/
I'm blissful.o(^-^)o But that is because I have a healthy body, so I'm going to take care and work hard.V(^-^)V
It was raining yesterday midnight so today is not the last day.(o^∀^o)
Mixed feelings.(ρ_;)
Well, the weather can't be helped.(;∇;)/
Today, I'm off + thinking.(*^o^*) (9)
Everyone too, + thinking.(≧∇≦)
(8) : It's just so difficult to translate! I understand what Ouji is trying to say, but I just don't know how to translate it into english. ;_; anyway here's the original : 忙しいとか 疲れるとか 充実してればどうだっていい I love this sentence. <3
(9) : Another one that is difficult to translate. ;_; I FAIL. anyway, it's something like you must think when you do things.
*NOTE: These translations are based on my understanding. They may not be correct, and sometimes the expression is funny. gomen ne~ ;_; I'm still a beginner at this. ;_;