a/n: stomach is still hurting Q___Q
good news: JYJ 's concert dates are out and the tickets are going on sale this saturday! xDDDD
semi- bad news: omg so soon and i have to convince my parents too! the concert is basically the week before my finals(and i work that day too)! OMIFUCKINGAWD!! WHATSHOULDIDO?!?!?! ;________; go or not go?!?!?! Q___________Q GUUUUUUUUUU!!!
Jaejoong let out a peaceful sigh and gleamed his admiration towards a certain person sitting a few feet away from him.
Jung Yunho.
The man was sitting a few desks away, two to be exact and Jaejoong couldn't keep his inner self-proclaiming love from oozing out of his skin. The mushiness were melting his braincells but alas, all he could see was just the very man he wanted to see in front of him.
He practically ignored his entire surrounding until a squeal interrupted the his lovely atmosphere.
Junsu, who was sitting next to him a moment ago was no longer in his seat but instead near the classroom entrance and admiring a certain idol.
Park Yoochun. The other hot idol, ahem, second to his tall and sexy Yunho. Though Jaejoong must admit the man was stunningly beautiful, but unfortunely not his type at all.
"Kyyyahhh, Oppa! Can I an autograph?!" "Omo!~ Can I shake your hands?" "Oppa what are you doing today?" "are you going to practice today?" "Oppa oppa!" The many fans called out to Yoochun all at once.
Yoochun ignored them all casually, walking up to Yunho as some of his fans followed from behind. Jaejoong almost felt sorry for Junsu, who has to admire the imperfections of his idol's wide forehead.
Not that it mattered, but it did matter that they were all screaming and welcoming the other guy while he was trying to daydream about Yunho.
Jaejoong glared at him like a predator watching his prey carefully from another appoarchable enemy, who might steal his dinner anytime soon.
Yoochun sat next to Yunho and the two began initiating themselves into a conversation, which left the two of them sparkling.
Jaejoong almost couldn't bear the sight, unless he was looking at Yunho, now that he can watch forever.
At the side of his view, he could see Junsu returning back to his seat, his gaze still on Yoochun.
"Had fun?" Jaejoong asked.
Startled, Junsu swung his head abruptly and saw Jaejoong staring at him. More like staring pass him and onto the two most intriguing and facinating figures before them.
"The usual." Junsu smiled. Apparently, the 'usual' was get up, run to your idol, scream your living lungs out, admire, scream again, admire, drool on the side, and resume screaming.
Yep, the usual.
a/n: short fangirling moments are random and hits you at RANDOM!! o___o!!!