a/n: full day with hardly any gaps to distract my mind ;________; i'll be starting on my hwk soon, probably after the holiday so i can get some good rest and replenish 8D (already? it's only been three days of school and i'm already tired!)
warnings: tease, blow?
this looks really juicy )
O_O U torture Yunho! Haha... It's funny how u use grapes while I used ice. Muhaha... best friend think alike... torture Yunho.
Neways.. I'm likin this fic even more!
Joongie is takin control. My kind of thing.
Can't always put him a bottom. ^^
jaejoong taking revenge is wonderful! :D that's why it's jaeho! because jaejoong will always gets what he wants whenever he wants xD
YAY!!! JAEHO FTW!!! <3 Jae Joong's revenge! Love it!
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