a/n: guuuu~ why is it when i say i have nothing to do today everyone tries to make me do something D': GAH! there goes my productive time ;____;
Yunho pulled his last article of clothing over his shoulder and turned around to glance at his student, who in turn hardly moved from his spot.
Jaejoong laid on his sides still frozen and pale and for a second the teacher would have thought he was a dead beautiful corpse laying on his desk. Jaejoong's sides were oozing with blood and Yunho pained from the sight when indeed, he was the one who caused of it.
The teacher waited a few seconds for his student to make an attempt to get up, but to no avail he walked towards his student and called.
"Jaejoong. Jaejoong?" No response.
"Are you ok?" He brought his hand to touch Jaejoong's hair and rub his long fingers against his student's cheeks.
They were faintly pink and if Yunho didn't know any better he would have thought Jaejoong might have died if he didn't see any sign of color.
"You're going to catch a cold." He tried again but the student only twitched a little but there were still no sign of him trying to clean himself up.
Gently, Yunho covered his student's bare skin with his jacket, making sure his small body wouldn't catch a cold. He didn't mind being ignored, seeing as his own actions were the one hurting his own student.
Carefully, the teacher picked up Jaejoong's clothes from across the room and he walked back eagerly to put them on his student before he caught a cold. Hence, even he realize the airconditioner in the most horrid places of the entire classroom.
Once Yunho had reached his student, he almost forgot that he need to clean out the blood and cum first before he should put the student's clothes back on.
"Wait here a moment. I'll be back with something to clean you." He placed the clothes on his desk and rushed out of the classroom quickly and hopefully no one would see Jaejoong before he returned.
It only took a few minutes before Yunho returned to the class because fortunely for him, the men's bathroom was just around the corner and not across the hall to another bunch of classrooms. It would have left too much time for pearing eyes to reach his student before he returned and he would rather not risk that.
Yunho's hardness became unbearable, but he knew he shouldn't leave his student unattended. It wasn't his intention to leave his student with an impression that all he used him for was just his body and not for his beautiful affections.
Quickly, he opened the door and relieved to see that his student had finally stood up and sat on his desk was pretty much a good sign that he his student is still alive.
Of course he's alive! It's not like you killed him. he thought for a mere moment and brushed it aside when he didn't want to continue to question that thought. His student needed some serious attention right now and he prepared himself to give it to him.
Jaejoong gazed on the floor and didn't realize the teacher had returned until he stood right in front of him, cleaning him up.
He didn't move and Yunho was grateful for that or he would seriously have trouble wiping all the cum and blood off his student's smooth pale skin.
After he finished cleaning him up, he began dressing his student up with his proper clothes and to be sure, carefully hide every inch that showed any of his marks left on him.
That's harder than it looks.
Shut up.
And the room turned silent for the rest of the day.
a/n: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird D: