a/n: I have no idea what am i doing!?!?!?
Mr. Jung and Jaejoong entered the small room, windows draped with curtains swaying against the cold open window. The intense sunlight shined over the brown-dusty desk, warming it with soundless UV rays.
They were both standing in the nurse's office, which the two of them could have swore they have read correctly before entering. Not only the room, but also the curtain- covered bed gave away the main decor to claim the room a nurse's office.
However, the nurse, per se, the person themself is not here.
Opening the curtains of one of the beds that were surrounded by white sheets, Mr. Jung turned to his student after studying the empty bed.
"I guess the nurse isn't here today."
Following Mr. Jung's obvious statement, Jaejoong scanned the room and simply nodded his head in agreement.
The teacher smiled at him and chuckled lightly.
"Why don't you take a rest while I look for some medicine." Mr. Jung suggested, walking towards his shy student
Realizing that his teacher was walking in a straight line, graciously towards his direction, Jaejoong's mind imploded and panicked.
"A-ah! It's alright s-sunsaeng-n-nim!" His voice shook with his quivering body.
It was already too late. Mr. Jung snatched his timid arm and pulled him toward the patient's bed and seated him down.
Once he was seated, Jaejoong immediately focused his eyes onto the floor, expecting something to pop out of it through a hole. He didn't know whether his mind was was working right now or not because his body mind can never seem to reject his teacher's advances offers. Even though he didn't know this feeling well enough, he's starting to have a like and dislike relationship, since for one thing, his brain doesn't seem to want to move away from the hotness right in front of him.
It was practially hard to decided whether he should like this feeling because he was just plain confused. Speaking of confused, his thoughts started to rummage the old memories of his two best friends fucking over the damn moon. Now that's just great.
Staring at the floor blankly, he didn't even realize Mr. Jung had came back, kneeling down in front of him with medicine in one hand and a glass of water in the other.
"Here's some medicine. You should take two and then get some rest after." Taking his student's hand and unveiling his fingers, Mr. jung unloaded the two white pills onto his palm.
But I'm not sick. He thought.
Regardless, he should follow the advice of his teacher, even if he knew better, he swallowed the pills and took the water that was handed to him. He drank more than half of it, believing if he drank enough, he could hydrate his body back to his normal temperature rather than feeling this fuzzy warmness on his cheeks.
He put the remaining glass of water to the side and laid down onto the comforts of the sheets, covering his entire body with the blanket. However, he felt the blankets being pulled back down and heard some chuckling.
"Haha, you are really funny Kim Jaejoong." Mr. Jung was smiling at him with his still perfect white-rows of teeth and his cheeks scrunch upwards, shrinking his pretty eyes.
Jaejoong just stared at him in embarassment and attempted to cover his face again, only to be held back down by his teacher.
"Ah you shouldn't do that or you're not going to get some sleep without fresh air."
"But this is how I always sleep." Jaejoong uttered in a whisper, hoping he wasn't heard.
However, Mr. Jung heard him all to clearly. "Then you should change that. It's not good for you and that pretty face of your's."
Jaejoong blushed a shade of deep red, like a red light flashing for a stop. His body became hot all over again but this time he was too tired to cover it up, unconsciously displaying his flustered face to his gorgeous teacher, his mind drifted off to sleep before he heard a whisper.
Good night Jaejoong.
a/n: Had a heart-to-heart yaoi talk and got meh mind back again *____* Thanks unnie!!~