a/n: I have finally decided how I'm going to do the next few parts! so please bear with my painfully short drabbles :]
It was now lunch hours. Many students have already filled up the canteen when Jaejoong arrived. Looking around, he notice none of his friends were around, which was really awkward because they would all be bubbling with happiness upon his arrival.
Not that he was really worried or anything, it just means he could spend his lunchtime freely from his friends without interruptions and sink into his thoughts as much as he wants.
So he decided to head towards the library, the only place he could think of that would allow him to be left in his solitude of silence. It wasn't his first time seeking solicit in a quiet place, he just preferred to keep to himself, even though he still have a student body president role to live up to. It wasn't easy to keep up with that role, with the high expectations and the pressures, he had to keep his anxiety and inner self hidden away from the public eye.
Once, he entered and walked pass the reception desk, he headed towards the horro section. He wasn't heading there for the books of course, but because beside the horror section, there is a secluded room of dusty reserved books, kept on reservation, which is usually empty.
After passing the horror section, he entered the room, enchanted by the complete silence aside from his footsteps. He walked toward a free section and sat on one of the stools near the shelfs and it creeked with a eerie sound. He was pretty much use to it, since the only bottom the stool have received recently was his.
Looking at the book laying on the desk, open, Jaejoong realized that it wasn't there before. Usually he was the only one who ever dares, aside from the librarian to step into this room, but the librarian wasn't even here today.
Did it mean someone else was here?
a/n: Sorry, it's just a question and weird :/ but i plan to change this part later... I'll continue on with this scene more :]