thingy i just stole from bridgid cuz im bored

May 23, 2005 14:51

* Wearing: jeans, red elmo shirt, socks that match (i have to have my matvhing socks)
* Eating: nothing
* Drinking: iced tea
* Thinking about: nothing in particular
* Listening to: the sound of the school bus that just passed my house


* Cried: no, actually
* Worn jeans: yep
* Met someone new online: nope
* Done laundry: was getting really bad, i almost couldnt find anything (at all) to wear yesterday, cuz i hadnt done laundry in anout three weeks
* Drove a car: yes
* Talked on the phone: yes
* Kissed someone:no, sadly
* Said I love you: yeah...but didnt mean it
* Yourself:sure
* Your friends: believe IN them, yes. believe them, no.
* Santa Claus: no
* Tooth Fairy: no
* Destiny/Fate: no...well, its complicated
* Angels: yes
* Ghosts: no
* God: yes


* Do you ever wish you had another name? no...but i still hate my middle name
* Do you like anyone? yes
* Who's the loudest: catie...though i havent thought about that in a long time...i guess i havent heard her be loud
* Who's your closest friend that's a girl: um...great question. my closest friend? i guess thats susan. but thats different than my best friend.
*Who's your closest friend that's a guy: bradlee? tyler? logan? jake? matt? iunno
* Who's the shyest: i wouldnt call any of then shy
* Who do you hang out with the most?: at school-rachel at home-susan
* What's the best feeling in the world: doing absolutely nothing, but not realizing it

1. Kissed your cousin: no. (but i did want to marry him when i was four...i think i got over that)
2. Ran away: yes, but ive never left the neighborhood
3. Skipped school: not anything more than being "sick"
4. Broken someone's heart: dont think so, hope not
5. Been in love: no
6. Cried when someone died: nobody really important to me has ever died
7. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yep
8. Done something embarrassing: me? embarrassing? no way
9. Done a drug: nope
10. Cried in school: Yes
11. Coke or Pepsi: Coke
12. Sprite or 7UP: both are icky
13. Blondes or Brunettes: ok, that just confused me...have you ever blondes or brunettes? that doesnt make any sense. but ill go with "no preference."
14. Bitchy or Slutty: i really dont think im much of either...but you label me any way you want.
15. Tall or Short?: i spent years being told that i was short...but ive recently figured out that im quite average.
16. Pants or Shorts: Pants
17. Night or Day: Night


18. What do you notice first: eyes
19. Last person you slow danced with: dont make me think about it

20. Stepped outside: at 2:40, when i got off the bus
21. Were kissed: ha haha


22. Your Good Luck Charm: smith's gay voice (dont ask)
23. Person You Hate Most: mr hamilton, ms brown, laura conover, actually...a lot of people
24. Best Thing That Has Happened: Starbucks - i totally agree
25. On your desk: all of maddies junk for her project
26. Picture on your desktop: this funny picture at the beach of maddie, rachel, matt, andrew, scottie, and brady wearing fake mustaches
27. Color: dont have one...but if id have to
28. Movie: white oleander, monty python, the lion king, school of rock, and lots of others
29. Artist: you know...i never really thought about it
30. Season: summer
31. Breakfast Food: breakfast food is icky


32. Makes you laugh the most: bradlee
33. Makes you smile: lots of people
34. Has A Crush On You: alex barkley, and that annoying kid in my algebra class


35. Save AIM conversations: no
36. Wish you were someone else?: not really
37. Wear cologne: no...i do wear that spray stuff from bath and body works
38. Kiss: no
39. Cuddle: yeah, suppose
40. Go online: yeah...but im always away

41. Fallen for your best friend?: my best guy friend- naw duh bridgid...and yes
42. Made out with JUST a friend?: no
43. Kissed two people in the same day?: no (bridgids a slut...just kidding)
44. Been rejected: yes
45. Been given a present by a friend, an actual present thats wrapped and all?: ya
47. Been used?: iunno
48. Cheated on someone?: no
49. Been cheated on?: no
50. Been kissed?: no, i seriously have a problem i think


51. You talked to on the phone?: my mom...she called to say shed left work
52. You hugged?: um...beth ann
53. You instant messaged?: catie
54. You kissed?: thinking real hard here
55. Who text messaged you?: allie
56. Who told you they loved you?: alex melley...he drives me crazy
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