OMFG I forgot to mention BIRD DAY

Apr 06, 2005 15:52

hargh! yesterday was bird day everyone, granted it was rather lonely but still BIRD DAY! Its that special day of the year when we get together all the moldy stale ickeh breadish things, crumble them up and strewn them through the yard for the birds!! It was rather slow at first and then nothing came, quite sad. One seagull found some and then my doggy chased it and nearly knocked it down, she gave me the "Im so proud, arent I the greatest" look and I threatend with a stick. No birds going to eat if it thinks its jsut being fattend up for my dog to eat. ¬.¬

Later on I went on the roof and through some chips in the air, it attracted three seagulls and they flew around the roof trying to catch, eventually they just flew to the snowmobile store across the street and stayed on its roof. About an hour later I heard shit loads of squaking and I saw them more then 40 seagulls in my yard, I counted around 34 on the ground then a crap load more flew down and everything went crazeh, deffinently a road hazard. I made one car stop there were so many >.<

The best time to pick a bird day is when your neighbors are having a BBQ btw. After you run out they see the food over there and immediatly attack your evil neighbors and because they just ate shit in their yard, and thus the true meaning of a Bird Day.
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