Aug 10, 2007 01:44
Our Galaxy turns (or so I am told)
On an axis that's distant and hidden and old--
Like a monarch or prince it attracts to its train
Lesser stars, who are bound in their paths to remain.
So it was for the forty-five thousand that came
In their cars, on the train, to a Thursday night game;
Attracted, compelled by a force with a name:
David Beckham was here! (He, of footballing fame
As no doubt many knew--and the few who did not?
Well it wasn't the sun that made those ladies hot)
By the thousands they came, by the truckload, by ton--
But the first half saw Beckham do nothing but run
On the touchline a bit--no, he never went on,
The BeckhamCam man must have stifled a yawn!
David Beckham the Circus had come, that was so,
But DC United provided the show:
Luciano Emilio, whose cannon-like score
Drew from the old faithful a thunderous roar!
And the faithful were there, in their colors arrayed:
The Twelfth Man, who is DC United's best aid:
Here were Norte and Eagles and Barras in force
Waving flags, singing, cheering until they were hoarse.
The rain fell in torrents, the heavens did rumble,
But DC United fans never did stumble:
And Galaxy, faltering, now a man down
Called at last on their Beckham of fame and renown.
How the ladies did scream--how the flashbulbs went off,
When Beckham, preparing, did take his shirt off!
And when Beckham arrived on the field, now to play,
The flashbulbs did turn Thursday night into day!
And if Beckham should tap a ball even a bit,
What a cheer the capacity crowd did emit!
'Twas too little, too late for the Galaxy, though--
Luciano Emilio's was too great of a blow.
When the whistle was blown, and the ball ceased to roll
It wasn't the hype that had won, but the soul--
Though Beckham may draw a capacity crowd
For United it was they were cheering out loud:
What Beckham can show us by his coming near
Is just how many fans there are already here
dc united,