It was just another day in Washington, as the Rayburn House Office Building was placed on lockdown after someone had heard gunshots. The media went into its predictable hysterics while heroic congressional staffers continued to answer phones and crank out letters.
After a through investigation, it was determined that the "gunshots" came from a
workman's pneumatic hammer. Who would have thought that the United States House of Representatives (which, thankfully was not in session) could be menaced by such a weapon of mass destruction?
It's a scene right out of Quake (or perhaps a new Congressional Quake mod): gunfire! nailguns! alarms! flashing lights! I can almost imagine
Speaker Hastert running around, firing rockets everywhere, and shouting i R no. 1 on t3h s3rV3r, ph33r m3!!
iD should sieze the PR opportunity and send all the Members free copies of Quake.