It's not often the
CEO of a software company wades into what might be a
hostile forum to
defend his company's actions.
The GNU/Linux community doesn't like
Linspire (formerly Lindows, seldomly, Lin--- (say, LIN-dash) ) very much. The
criticisms are wide-ranging, but a great deal of the friction comes from the idea that Linspire, through its
ClickNRun (CNR)service, is attempting to commodify Free Software in a distasteful way.
Of course, we know from a famous fatwa that
selling Free Software is not a sin; but for the community, which exsits constantly wired to the Internet, the idea of actually buying software that can be obtained by other means is pointless. In Linspire's defense, most people are not that connected, and still think of software as something that you get in a shrink-wrapped box, with a manual and a tech support line. To that end, Linspire produced
OOOoFf [page from], a CD that included's Office Suite and the Mozilla Firefox browser.
This was met by
howls of protest and derision, which occasioned CEO Kevin Carmony's foray into the
KC has proposed
Opening CNR to Ubuntu users--thus giving Ubuntu users easy access--for a price!-- to a number of things that are not available in the
standard repositories, like legal multimedia codecs and commercial software (possibly including games?).
I've got to give KC some big props for coming into the ubuntuforums and fighting his corner. I may disagree with how his distribution works, and may not be willing to pay money for it, but he's a brave soul to come right out and trade posts with the ubunteros.
If his CNR-for-Ubuntu plan works, Linspire will have cleverly become the dominant vendor for proprietary and commercial software on the Debian-daughter Distros like Ubuntu. It's quite a strategy for corporate survival, since the Linspire distribution does not seem to be doing quite as well in the marketplace.
EDIT 0032 3 Mar: ubuntuforums threads were merged, link updated to reflect merged threads.