the new wave

Jan 04, 2010 13:20

Thanks to the pot of delicious awesome sauce that is Chris's Invincible Super-Blog I am suddenly finding myself getting into comic books. I've got a solid, well-rounded nerd education so I've definitely read comic books before. But despite loving web comics, watching several animated series based on comic books as a kid, and being an exuberant nerd - I just never got into comics. I'll probably never be hot on superhero comics and my college-educated-feminist-from-the-NW filters will keep me highly selective, but... hey! I've got a new hobby! Isn't it exciting?

My favorite thing right now is costume design. The irony of loving a costume design when I don't really like super hero comics is not lost on me. Nevertheless - you should check out Project: Rooftop because it is totally awesome. You start just going "huh - very interesting" and then suddenly you're spending hours and hours on deviantart.

Getting into comics at age 24 is cool for me because I do have so many of my filters in place. I know enough to be intelligent about how I spend my time while still getting to experience a lot of new content. I'm quickly developing my own taste in not only in writing and art, but also in publishers and genres. It's awesome. For those of you who think this is silly because, geez, I've been reading webcomics almost out of the womb: I scorn your silliness. Webcomics may occasionally be printed, but comics not originally made for the web (especially from big publishers) are their own beast.

Oh, and I needed something to destract me from my raging crush on everything Rooster Teeth. Seriously, my RvB love was starting to escalate in ways that might someday (maybe) lead me to become one of THOSE fans. "I dun wanna be uh crzy fangirl. Oh noes!"
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