Quiz... stolen from a brotha' from anotha' motha'

Jan 15, 2005 23:09

Have you...

In the last 60 days:

[x] Drank

[ ] Had Sex

[x] Slept at someone elses house

[x] Had a contact high

[x] Smoked Tobacco

[x] Smoked Marijuana

[x] Eaten Potatoe Chips

[ ] Fallen in love

Tonight Have you...

[ ] Slept

[ ] Eaten

[x] Put on Shoes

[x] Talked to a loved one

[x] Hugged someone

[x] Kissed someone

[x] Listened to a boring story (Richmond!)

In the last year you have....

[x] Danced

[x] Slept more than 20 hours in one sitting

[x] Been to a movie

[x] Stuck your tongue out at someone

[ ] Listened to Rap

[x] Listened to Reggae

[x] Taken a Stupid, Pointless quiz

Well... that was fun, sort of.  My LJ hating is on Hiatus for a while now.  I think I may be stupid,  I smoked too much last night... my lungs hurt.  The Party was alright, It was good seeing people I hadnt seen in a while.  I saw a lot of people at work tonight:  Ryan Christy, KJ , Kathleen, Swank, Jeff, David, Natalie, Kecia, That guy who works at Hollywood Video, Greg,  JT, Richmond, Bryson, and J.Gos on the way to work.  Its been a pretty uneventful, sleepy day... I've worked...  I only slept for around an hour last night.  I'm past being tired now... I'm wide awake, but exhausted.  Good night.

~Matty Matt Matt Matt
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