And at last! (Drabble #1)

Jun 01, 2007 23:47

See, I finally have my Bad Education icon, mwahaha! I should go look for some more, too. Even though uploading it screwed up my userpics for some odd reason. Almost all posts I'd made in the past showed my default icon, and I'm sure I haven't been using the same one everywhere all the time. I've fixed what I could, but... *shakes head*

Anyway, here's the long overdue drabble for iggy_lovechild who requested something surprising. Seriously, I had no idea writing those could be so damn difficult! But I've made it - 100 words exactly. I rule, I rule! *ahem*

To tell the story behind this drabble - I was originally inspired for it a long time ago after I listened to Dir en grey's song 'The FINAL' and Hyde's 'Countdown'. That, and I was curious and couldn't leave some stuff from the series alone.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any of its characters and make no profit off this fic.
Pairing: Implied Zechs/Treize, from Zechs's POV (sorta)
Rating: Worksafe, unfortunately
Warnings: Um...implied deaths? And it's pretty strange, I suppose. Anyway, hope you enjoy it! xD

There’s fresh sunlight streaming in, illuminating his hair, warming him, making the antique gun he’s holding glitter. A ghostly face fills his vision.


After drifting aimlessly and failing to reconcile with himself, he finally knows. In this moment of dazzling clarity, that final promise is echoing from the other side. Slipping the cold barrel into his mouth, he closes his eyes firmly, brightness flooding the room.

He remembers all -


- the kisses -


- the yearning -


- the confessions -


- the arguments -


- the shimmering glances -


- the regrets -


- the rushed mornings -


- the madness -


- the love...


fic: other, drabbles, slash (problematic labelling aside), treize/zechs, writing, actual stories

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