Dec 13, 2015 23:34

Yeah, what is this? A new post! Here! What the heck?!

Well, hi and hi. Yes, I'm using LJ again, as part of a conscious move away from Tumblr with a few others who also feel it's a crappy and stressful platform without essential features that would make using it enjoyable. I know I've made some posts in the past that I was coming back and then didn't, but well, I have been busy and somehow Tumblr always prevailed despite the ridiculous issues. But now I'm about ready to go back to this maybe unpopular, but at least usable platform and my 200+ icons I bought way back when.

So anyway! If you're reading this and still using this site, please do say hi and let's catch up! I have no idea who's still here or not right now, sorry. Remember back in the day when I made a sticky post and dated it forward, thinking it was so far in the future it couldn't possibly be a concern? Well, that date was 3rd December 2015. Joke's on me, but at least now we apparently have a sticky feature. Nice.

Another reason I procrastinated returning here is the fact that there's a lot of old bullshit from the 00s that doesn't sit right with me anymore, but I suppose we can leave that behind and turn over a new leaf. Reassuringly, what I found out in the past several years are pretty nice things. For one, it is possible to move countries. It is possible to find new relationships that completely redefine what seemed good in 2009. It is possible to be trans without either dysphoria or any surgery. These are pretty general statements so who cares if they're public - basically, ignore every terrible emo statement I inflicted on my poor audience here in the past. There's more to life than that and sometimes it helps to get a little "old" and see it.

That said, I do feel old typing this post, like what does this website even look like. But oh well!

Most posts will be friendslocked in the future, with the exception of fics/meta/general public interest stuff. I'm happy to keep existing people and add new if asked. I'm also on hangouts pretty much all the time, so let me know if you want in on that.

journal upkeep, what are my tags here even i had a lot, hiatus

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