the majority ruins science

Jul 05, 2007 02:40

its sucks that accurate scientifical proof for contriversial subjects will be delayed.
stuff like:
men vs women
race and intelligence
creation of the universe

because the 'majority' of people don't want to hear the truth, the poor scientists have to hide their findings in order to not be hated upon.

my views on those four topics are as follows:

men vs women: i believe due to the nature of men they are forced to think deeper than woman and on average are smarter. obviously not all men are smarter than women, but i think women tend to focus more on their emotions and this eventually backdraws their intelligence.

also hormonal differences between men and women might lead to a difference in intelligence. and finally the average brain size of a man is bigger than a woman's, this however might not have anything to do with intelligence, but i don't know..

race and intelligence: if people don't think theres a connections between race and intelligence than they are just in denial or stupid.
obviously due to evolutionary changes some races will be more intelligent than others.
i think due to proper nutrition in the leading countries that those races are smarter, but poor third world countries suffer.

evolution: i don't know how the world began, but within the lifetime of humanity we have already seen minor evolutionary changes. so its hard to believe that in the course of millions of years that no major evolutionary changes have occured.
people stop reading your out-dated 2000 year old Bibles and listen to reason.

creation of the universe: right now i'm kindoff leaning on a "everything is possible" theory. basically this theory consists of the universe being just one of an infinite amount of universes and this just so happens to be a stable one.

theres probably tons of other universes, but we cannot travel to them because we are not within them.
also the other universes probably have different constants (or if true, variables) for different properties.
for example if the force of gravity per matter might differ between different universes.
ps. forgive the lack of correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.

i have been in an illiterate world for about 4 months and have gradually forgotten how to read and write correctly.

lack of school is definitly a killer to the brain.
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