Jul 22, 2003 01:16
hey there, been out a bit, meeting peopl from friendster, some people from down south, they say "have you been" instead of "have you been there", cute, went to the movies, missed the movie, so went to greenport and played pool, what else, not much, ive been spray painting like crazy, then on top i add drawings, in marker, so im full of fumes, imnot sure about displaying the stuff but i have showed people who have been visual artsy for a while and they like them, not as if i should care, but nice to know, so anyway, not much to report, oh we went to squarepusher the other night andgot jipped by scalpers, got in, the show was shitty, found out !!! was playing at mercury lounge, i was pissed, then went to orchard street, full of guidos, had pizza, came back and slept through sunday, looking for stuff to do in the coming week to show my friends around li