Mr. Lee's CatCam

Jun 07, 2007 18:06

Even more shamlessly gacked from bibliofile than she gacked it from james_nicoll:

Mr. Lee CatCam! (Mr. Lee is the kitty)

Mr. Lee's old man mounted a tiny camera to his collar set to take a photo every minute. Now you can see what cats really do all day.

No point in putting one on Evil, though. She spends her days sleeping and plotting ill towards Boo. Boo, on the other hand, spends his days sleeping and jumping Evil with amorous intent.

In other news, saw the first Naruto movie at the cinema last night, dub of course. It was a one time only dealy and my local theater sold out. Lots of small fry and surprisingly few cosplayers.

Once we got past an intro by the American voice actors, and some of the Japanese actors, about how good the movie was going to be, the movie was very good. It did pay to see it on the big screen. After, there was a featurette on the making of which was much to heavy on the American actors and used lots, really lots, of the same footage as the intro.

My companion surmised that many a small child was traumatized to discover that Naruto is voiced by woman who looks to be about 5' and 200 pounds. In fact, he was traumatized.

Edit 9:30 CT

So I made tacos for dinner, first time in quite a while. pilgham stocked up on the requisite perishables: potatoes, tomatoes and onion.

I get the meat, potatoes and onion cooking and go to the pantry to dig out the necessary spices. Unfortunately, I can't find any chili powder, cayenne or oregano. I rampaged though the cabinet, stirring the already well tossed mess, to no avail. OK, I can omit the oregano but chili powder and cayenne are kind of required...

I deided that since I last made tacos I had tossed out elderly spices with the plan to replace them when required. Unfortunately, that had been so long ago tha I had forgotten about it.

In the end, I raided a chili kit.

pilgham said the tacos were excellent and MD, who doesn't like tacos, had seconds but that could have just been starvation.

cat, evil, boo

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