Mar 11, 2007 21:28
MD has a concert Tuesday. For some reason, the Orchestra teacher decided it would be a good idea to change dresses mid-year. This meant the new dress had to be hemmed.
MD's other dress hadn't been that much of a hassle so I left the hemming until this afternoon...
1. The thing is 100% slippery, staticy polyester plus an overskirt of 100% slippery, staticy polyester chiffon.
2. MD didn't want me to cut it even thoough one skirt was roughly 11' too long and the other was about 14" too long.
3. It wasn't until I threatened to cut that MD produced the sheet telling me how long to hem it to and also suggesting using a tailor. *head desk* . If I had gotten the sheet 3 weeks a go I would have totally used a tailor but it just didn't occur to me.
I did not hand hem like I usually do. It's machine hemmed and probably lopsidedly and, you know what?, I don't care. MD doesn't even care. She's going to walk out on stage and she's going to walk off the stage. The rest of the time the crappy-ass hemming will all be piled up on the floor under her seat.
So why do I feel like a bad mother?