Jan 21, 2008 01:53
So have I ever mentioned how much I hate these classes? I have the utmost love for both reading and writing. I just can't stand being told what to read and how to write about it. What's worse is my current reading for class is a section on how to read. WTF??? I find this a bit insulting. What next an assignment on thinking on how to think???? Bleck. Well maybe the next short story I have to read will be a bit more for me. I'm just looking forward to having some time to actually get back to reading the books I want to read. The ones that have been put on hold so that I can get all this school crap out of the way. Maybe this is just me going through a bit of burnout. I decided last semester it was time to go back and I went back full time. I decided to follow that up with taking an intersession course and now it's back to regular class time. Also one of the classes I had last semester had me working and posting assignments through winter break. So to this point I have done school non stop with no real break since last August. Am I letting this discourage me or slow me down though? Not yet I'm still thinking I need to stay on track and go full time for the summer semester as well given I can find enough classes to keep me full time for summer. We'll see how this semester goes. My theory is as long as I can keep my grades I'll keep "overloading" myself with school. My school advisor says I'm taking too much. I'm guessing though I have a better GPA right now than he did so he can stick it.