Jun 30, 2005 07:22
I'm still awake! I'm invincible! I love my life. I get to experience all 24 hours of 3 days. Then I get to sleep for a couple hours and do it again! I'm considering getting a part time day job. I might work a couple hours somewhere else. Any ideas would be nice. I'm just not making it at Denny's. I mean, I'm making it; I'm just not making enough of it. Anywayz. I'm really about to get into web design and mediating for Power Corps. I've been giving it some thought and I believe that we should take advantage of the wonderful tools we've been given. That, and I want to start learning Javascript/web animation. That way we can have a really awesome phuth.com/pc.html Which I'm still talking over with P.Dave and Brennan Quade. Right now I'm looking for free forums. Found one, got it running, and asking permission to place a link on PHUTH.com. If any PC members read this and would like to register their user names go to powercorps.myfreeforum.org. That's all for now, well except that my earlier post is now erroneous because I've found a time to read the work and pray and meditate and work on powercorps business. Unfortunately it's right after work, but it's also at sunup. It's pretty cool.