Mar 01, 2006 13:53
Lately these things have been consuming all my time. On the bright side, I'm getting a lot fitter (due to my frequent trips to Bally's gym), I have a sex life (woo-hoo!) and I still smoke too much. In recent news, I've begun a huge war with most of my family. I've decided that I'm dropping out of college (at least for the time being) so I can get a full time job and move out. They (the family) are very much against this decision and if you've ever met my family you'd know that any sort of individualism or expression is most definately frowned upon. I don't care what they think right now, though. I've been complacent long enough, and I've suffered through 2 years of incessant nagging from my obnoxious grandmother and if I stay much longer, I may kill someone.
Also, its been almost 2 weeks since I've drank.
Fuckin' crazy, innit?