Oct 12, 2005 18:27
I feel like right now I am at a place that is all to familiar,, it's scary, and hopeless... I just sometimes wonder if it will ever get better. But I suppose no ones lives are perfect, even if they seem that way.
Lately I feel like I have lost some of the closest people to me, and i wonder if that is good or bad? Right now I am really upset about it, and yes i miss them so much, but I seem to always depend on them for my happiness, and i know that's not right. I am just afraid of anything changing, because in my mind everything is "perfect". But i suppose friends come and go , but the real ones stick around... so i guess for once, I am going to depend on God to help me through this time. As strange as that may sound, and as hard as it is for me to do, Its something that i HAVE to do... because there is no one here who seems to understand.I guess my thought for the day is.. Have you ever felt like everything was irrelevant,because when real life happens all the little things just seem to go away and become unimportant?