weekly summary: founding through 2007.06.03

Jun 04, 2007 14:49

edit: information regarding the poll updated at 21.54 EDT on 2007.06.04.

key posts

astolat clarifies posting guidelines and the project's current status. The key points:
  • please do not make a new top-level post here without running it by the moderators, unless it's a post you've been asked to do
  • after gchick posts her summary of the original discussion here, that will be the place to raise new issues
  • please try invite as many people as you can to join this community from your own circles, especially if you don't see a lot of representative people on our membership list yet, and also to forward those posts to any appropriate fannish mailing lists that you might be on, or to other fannish people who might not be on LJ
  • if you'd like to generate discussion about some of these other loosely-related areas of fannish interest (e.g., the possibility of incorporating blogs/journals in the archive, which quite a number of people have seemed interested in talking about), email us (fandomarchive at gmail dot com) and we'll endeavor to make news about those discussions available to the community at large in a weekly links post
The first-round poll to choose a URL closes in a few short hours. Voting closed at 17.47 today. There will not be a second round, as astolat and the lawyers will discuss the top ten suggestions. Those suggestions are fanarchive, archiveofourown, fan-archive, ourarchive, byfansforfans, the-multiverse, transformativefiction, fanfictional, fictorium, and thefanworks.

The preliminary volunteer list; it's not too late to have your name added to the list!

Discussion remains open on the posts about this community's proposed tags and FAQ 1.0.

questions raised

franzeska compiled a list of other archives; these may have features we should consider adopting.

taverymate asks if the volunteer list is only of LJers, and, if so, if that may limit the involvement of fans based elsewhere on the internet.

odditycollector wonders if the archive will also host blogs/journals, and absolutedestiny proposes a way to make that work.

almostnever reported on Drupal. Commenters discussed the importance of RSS, formats for story uploading, and other potential content management systems.

libgirl asks if the archive will have age restrictions. Commenters discussed restriction methods, as well as the feasibility of quality control, the possibility of non-US hosting and legal considerations, the need to back up the archive, the flaw of using credit cards to verify age.


As mentioned above, to have links from discussions about this project considered for inclusion here, e-mail your neighborhood moderators (fandomarchive at gmail dot com). To make suggestions to improve this weekly feature, comment on the post.
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