OTW Fannews: What's in a Name?

Nov 19, 2015 11:54

The New Statesman weighed in on an important discussion as fanworks become more well known: what actually counts as one? "It comes down, as it often does, to money. Because money, and a lack of it, is at the heart of long-held tensions about fanworks. Fanfiction is overwhelmingly the product of unpaid labour, millions and millions of words given freely, whether for legal reasons or community norms.

Because it isn’t compensated - and because it is so often done by women it is devalued, as an art form and as a way to spend one’s time. When money is added to the mix, whether in giant pull-to-publish book deals or, increasingly, fanfiction contests and authors sponsored by television networks and Hollywood studios, the place that fanworks occupy in the vast sphere of adaptation and reworking begins to shift. And not always for the better."

What are fanworks? For many that’s becoming a difficult question to answer as fanworks and fandoms get co-opted: http://bit.ly/1QwCkz0

entertainment industries, fanfiction, fan art, commercialization of fans, fan videos, intellectual property, news media, fannish practices

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