Links Roundup for 12 October 2011

Oct 12, 2011 09:50

Here's a roundup of fandom statistics stories that might be of interest to fans:
  • Exact numbers in fandoms can be hard to come by, but new attempts are always being made. The NY Times published The Geography of College Football Fans in which sports bloggers detailed their use of various sources to depict what places in the U.S. tend to be hot or cold spots for that fandom.
  • A Pearl Jam fan, who is also a college professor, created a video lecture called Pearl Jam Fandom *A Statistical Analysis in which he examined aspects of the fandom by the numbers.
  • Two presentations were made at the Content Marketing World conference which dealt with fandom: Sports Marketing discussed a "Fanographies" program to promote teams since "[o]ur fans could tell our story better than we could", and Rise of the SuperFan presented strategies to engage fans around their favorite TV content, which included "conduct[ing] Facebook polls that actually affect programming."
  • Lastly, this post, from the staff of bookmarking site Pinboard, highlights a case study of why businesses might want to know more about fandom statistics before making decisions that affect many of their customers.
If you're part of Pearl Jam, TV, or sports fandoms why not contribute your own statistics to Fanlore? Contributions are welcome from all fans.

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