Here's a roundup of stories about enduring fandom that might be of interest to fans:
- Last week, US NPR radio show Fresh Air rebroadcast its interview with author Allison Pearson about her novel I Think I Love You, in which she fictionalizes her experience as a Partridge Family fan in 1970s England. She discusses both her own life and the novel, noting, "We carry our younger selves with us our whole lives, and we can measure out [our] lives somewhat by music we've loved or icons we've loved." (Transcript available)
- Liz Danforth, an editor, writer, game scenario designer, and game developer discussed her turn into fan fiction, which she believes has resulted in some of her best work. "I felt the itch to write the first fiction I had even attempted in almost a decade, but I was shamefaced at the prospect of writing fanfic. I was a pro! Fanfic was for amateurs!...To my shock, I found I was still a writer after all. I had stories to tell. I had a character I adored, living in a world that I was passionate about. If there is nothing else WoW ever gave me, it gave me back a part of myself I truly believed lost. And I will be grateful forever."
- For those who express their fannishness without the written word, a new site, Star Wars Remix, launched this month seeking contributions from those who see their fandom in everyday objects, from thumbtacks to burgers
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