Welcome To The Symposium

Jul 09, 2011 11:07

The Symposium Blog, an online subsidiary of Transformative Works and Cultures recently welcomed two new new correspondents - Andrea Horbinski and Lisa Schmitt - who will be joining Alex Jenkins as regular contributors.

Andrea Horbinski was the 2007-2008 Fulbright fellow at Doshisha University in Kyoto and is currently a Ph.D. student in modern Japanese history at the University of California, Berkeley. She hopes to write a history of manga for her dissertation. (You can read more about her and her interests at her intro post.)

Lisa Schmitt is a proud Canadian fan currently teaching media and gender courses at Bishop’s University. (Her intro post is here.)

The Symposium Blog welcomes essays from fans--and you don't have to be a professor or even play one on TV. If you are interested in contributing, please contact the editors.

Mirrored from an original post on the OTW Blog.

Correction: This post was edited to reflect Andrea Horbinksi's correct academic affiliation.
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