Feb 08, 2007 07:26
So understand that things are done a little differently here. For instance driving down the street you will often see barbers shaving people and cutting hair "under the tree". That means that just on the side of the road they sit there and have a chair with a mirror hanging on the side of the tree. And tha tis where they shave you and cut your hair. This is something that I needed to do. So I told some co-workers and they instilled the fear of god into me. First off I shouldnt do it because only the lower class people do shit like that. Not people of our respectable nature. That is considered to low to do.... pfft. hogwash. Secondly it is not sanitary. They use that razor on shitloads of people. Fine.. I sent the driver to the drugstore to buy me a straight razor. And he did. A brand new one that I get to take home. Well.... they ran out of excuses at that point. So I went. And the guy was super nervous. Because he was shaving a foreigner and was being video taped while he was doing it. And he chewed my fucking neck up BAD.... eep it hurts so bad right now. But I am glad I did it. I had a fucking audience out there. rickshaw drivers were topping to see the American getting his face shaved in the middle of a garbage dump. Little kids ran up to see me getting video taped with the pigs in the background...
So this is the raw footage. EXCEPT I cut 1 minute out of the middle because it had to be under 10 minutes to fit into the YouTube standards. But other than that it is some dood shaving my face. So I dont know how entertaining it will be. But there it is....