stressful week glad its the weekend

Oct 29, 2010 21:05

ok so this week was majorly Stressful!!!!! and here is why

-ok so first off my work has been changing alot, last friday they fired a tech that had worked for the dealer for 4 years or so and was the tech of the year this past year, no one and i mean no one saw it coming. then gossip started flying around the shop that oh this person is getting fired or no this person is getting canned. so every one felt like there head was on the chopping block. so Wednesday we show up and find out that our service manger (the guy in charge of the whole shop) was demoted to work on the used car lot. and right now our shop is packed with techs there are about 13 of us i think and we are dead slow meaning no cars to work on. so they kinda are just looking for people to cut for any reason.

-so this is where is gets good. i had to go get a car out of the parking lot and pull it into a stall because it was throwing codes for boost pressure being too low. the car was a BMW 5 series M edition (so high performance package) just like this so i hopped in the car and started it up (it was a manual) and rolled down the two front window like we are supposed to do when we pull a car in. so i put the car in 1st gear and notice i am really going to have to feather the clutch because of the boost pressure being off. at my work the cars get parked very close together almost to wear the mirrors touch. so i start to pull out of the space trying not to stall the thing when the wind kicks up and pulls the paper checklist that we fill out about the car off the dash and smacks me right in the face. from then idk what happen i guess my foot slipped off the clutch or something and the car went forward quickly and i ended up side swipping the right rear door and quarter panel along the front left corner of a BMW X5 that looks like this as soon as it happen my heart dropped into my stomach and then i thought ok maybe it will not be bad maybe just a small scratch and this is what i found. now i know this may not look to bad but this pic is after it was "cleaned up" the whole side of the car from mid back door back was covered it white paint from the other car. I thought that my ass was grass i thought that i was going to be fired as soon as i told them. i had just done 4 to 10 grand in damage between the two cars. so i went to my boss and told him and he came out to look at it. his first words were " are u hurt" and i told him no i wasn't but i was shaking i was freaking out so bad. he looked at the car and then back at me the only think i could say was " i'm sorry dylan i am so sorry" he asked me what happen and i told him everything at this point i was fighting to hold back crying (cause i am a male and a mechanic and that's not allowed). he saw this and told me to go sit down in the lunch room and try to calm down and not to worry about it. so i went and sat down but still worried my ass off. so a few mins later the guy work with as his apprentice comes into the lunch room and asks if i was ok. i told him no that i wasn't. but lucky he responded " hey don't worry shit happens thats why we have insurance you aren't going to lose ur job i promise you now lets go fix some cars" so i got up and made the walk of shame threw the shop (because by this time everyone in the shop knew about it) all the way in the back in the shop and guess what was sitting on the lift. yep the M5 i had just wrecked and i had to try to try to fix it now.lets just say i just lost everything i knew about cars and all i could do was stare at the fucked up side of the car. but i did manage to find what was wrong just by pure dumb luck. so about a hour later my boss comes back to me and asks how i am doing and stuff then has me fill out a accident report and sign it for the insurance company. then i had to go pee in a cup for them for a drug test (its weird to have your boss see ur junk and then have to watch ya pee lol)  so after that he tells me to take the car up front so the body shop can pick it up. yeah i had to drive the car i just wrecked but everything was cool this time and i finished out the rest of the day of work.

-but every sense the accident my confidence in myself is at a all time low. i have been doubting myself alot and been thinking maybe i am not cut out to work for a company like BMW or for that matter any car company at all. and for the rest of the week it seemed like every car was a battle i mean i couldn't even do tires right the other day and i stripped out a bolt today which was a pain. so just feeling pretty shitty about myself right now but i will get over it.

-ok so now for some good new well i know that i am keeping my job. i dont know yet if i will have to pay for the damages to the cars or not out of my pocket which sucks if i have too cause i only make like 250 a week right now. but i was told today that this coming week i will be getting my own Tech number and my own lift to work out off and that i will need to bring my tool box into work cause i am going to kinda work on my own some what now doing regular vehicle maintenance stuff. so that was kinda up lifting but still nervous about taking on that responsibility when lately all i seem to so is fuck up shit. also me getting my own stall means that someone else in the shop has to move to another stall. so now one of the new guys (i started before him but he went to BMW school and has more training) got moved and now he is all pissy at me because he has to move and i am taking his old stall. which sucks because we seemed to get along great before this

so  this week has been stress full and all i can say is thank god its the weekend i am just going to try to relax and focus on other stuff this weekend, spend time with my wonderful mate, work on my car and his car and who knows car and heck i think i may even go fursuit for Halloween around my small town.

well if u made it this far thanks for reading and u win a cookie *hands u a cookie*

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