Oct 19, 2004 17:53
today i came home, played with the rabbit..fell asleep thinking and then ate dinner. Now im talking to some good friends. i cant wait til tomorow. School makes everything so easier and tylie wylie said hed take me to school. how sweet of him. I wonder when erics getting his jeep fixed..hm? Who knows.
Katie is hilarious. I love her. Shes always writing me notes to make me happy. theyre funny. I wanna go to her house tomorrow. But my mom works...hm.. ill probably just go over there thursday and then we'll go to ci ci's for the ffa meeting. I wonder how I'll get home.. maybe eric would pick me up since he picks me up from all the other ffa stuff. Then again his jeep would have to be fixed for that. ha. Ill get someone to pick me up, or Ill forc cj and jesse to. :)
On a different note. Everyone thinks my new rabbit is fat and they all made fun of it. It was really sad. i mean besides the fact that it is extremely fat..its gonna slim down. its going on a diet. the ottis diet. :) I wonder how that little guys doing. Ill see him thursday. Im gonna bring him home soon. I bet none of you care about any of this.
Well thats it for now. Im gonna go back to talking to katie whenever she gets back from eating dinner. bye.