Feb 07, 2005 19:32
Another day, another complaint.
I went to PetsMart with Mandy today. Just got back a little while ago, actually. And I feel really horrible. While we were there, we went into the little adoption area and got to visit with "Emily"...a one-eyed grey kitty. She was the most loving feline I've ever met! And, while we were there, we looked at quite a few others, too, plus a book from the Little Rock animal shelter and adoption agencies.
And that's when I realized...I am fighting for a pretty hopeless cause. There are so many unwanted and unloved animals...it's astounding to me when I see these abused dogs and cats with scars on their bodies, so skinny their ribs so through and shaking because they are so afraid of humans.
How can anyone be so cruel? How can you do that to another living thing? Does anyone beside me want to take these idiots and just...shake them? Scream at them? Wring their undeserving necks? Kick the daylights out of them and chain them to a post naked and cold and wet in January with no food, outside, so that they see what they're putting these creatures through?
What is wrong with people? I don't understand...I just don't get how you can derive pleasure from seeing something so trusting and innocent in pain. I've seen dogs that, when someone even appears, they run and cower on the other side of the room from that person, and have even seen them cringe, yelp as if in pain, and have "accidents" because they are just so afraid that this human is going to do to them what the last person did.
You know, I saw this drawing (a digital art piece) done by one "Were-Magnus" of deviantART of herself as a dog (or some sort of canine) and the caption comes to mind, here: "Go ahead and beat me, I'll still treat you like a god."
You know, that's what many dogs see their "owners" as. But you don't "own" a dog. They're supposed to be "man's best friend," but whatever happened to returning that love that we recieve? Have you ever looked at the way a dog will stare up at his or her master? They adore this person. This person is their alpha, their everything, their all and they would give their lives for them. At the same time, people will kick, starve, abuse, and chain this same dog...because they just don't care. Or, even worse, they find it funny.
I just don't get people. Give me a dog any day over a human for loyalty, love, and company. I can spend hours and hours with Darwin, Hannibal, Dixie, Rosie, or Puppy just sitting and petting them and talking to them. Maybe I'm a wee bit insane, but...still...I just don't understand.
Okay, I go now. 'Licia and Lianne are here. Yay!