(no subject)

Sep 30, 2010 17:44

Characters: Jules de Ferrier and Natalia Alfroskaya
Setting: SH, during their tiny relationship (AU of an AU?)
Content: Guess what teenagers who are dating do? That's right, they make out. Oh and they go on a date and stuff first.
Format: Prose

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It occurred to Jules only after a few hours that this was his first date. Natalia would be a lot of firsts for him, it seemed: the first time anybody had confessed feelings for him, the first time that he had officially had a significant other, and now the first time he had had to spend half of the night planning on what to wear and where to go to make her happy. (He did realize in the process that Rosemariné would be significantly less stressful to date, but quickly banished the thought from his mind.)

The next afternoon, he had decided to stick with his initial idea of spending some time at the nearby town for window shopping and lunch. Natalia didn't seem to mind the idea -- but then, she never seemed to particularly like or dislike any of his ideas -- so the two of them went off and promptly spent a good amount of time silently staring at various items in store windows.

Finally, he turned to her, sufficiently worried about how dull everything seemed to be turning out. "Are you enjoying this?"

format ☯ log, ♥ man-d, ♥ adele

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