Taking a break from the packing/cleaning process to relax, clear my mind. When I knuckle down and get to it, the actual packing process goes pretty quickly when I'm left to my own devices and have no other pressing needs. Sort, pack, move, repeat. Music helps. It being excessively COLD helps as well! D: Burning calories! Huff-puff.
This is technically a pre-pack, since we, uh, haven't found a place yet. exceedingly dubious reasons. He has a suprise 'exam'. A real-life exam for an online class, so he has to go in. At a college which doesn't have Sunday classes because it's a furlough day, to the point where the bus passes don't even work on Sundays. At a college which pretty much requires online courses to post a syllabus with dates for all the assignments and tests, and which emails students 3 days in advance for each assignment and/or test as a reminder. ¬_¬ We're not expecting him to last long if he can't come up with better lies.
So my 4 hour shift became an 8 hour shift on Sunday, and on Wednesday my 6.5 hour shift became an 8 hour shift, and last night because TWO people were out sick/injured, my 5 hour shift became an 8 hour shift. Plus side, hella cash. Down side, way less time to pack and things... and yet I'm online now, typing this. Oh well.
I wish my stuff could pack itself, like in The Sword and the Stone, or like this cat:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XID_W4neJo Watch Maru jump into too-small boxes, cutely! D'awwwwwww...