Storm Large, you're a heroine. :) terribly NSFW, but so worth it. Also on the There Are No Words front,
I have to love a guy who calls in and whines for about 20 minutes about how his phone deleted the movies of his three year old learning ballet with no reason. I normally would not call someone a whiner for this kind of thing, however:
1) When you say the phone "had no reason to do this", I beg to differ. Electronics don't actually need a reason. The laws of chaos make certain of this.
2) when you mention later that our service sucks because your phone was locking up all the time and that you chose not to call in because you didn't think we could do anything, you undermine argument 1 and 2.
3) When I ask you if you have a memory card and you tell me you didn't have time to move your movies to the memory card because you're working so much... well, there are no words.
4) happily, your 3 year old has not been kidnapped by aliens and is presumably still able to take her ballet lessons.
IN conclusion. Life is hard. Back up your shit.