thefridayfive 1. What was your first job? I worked at Hallmark
2. How much did you make? $4.25/hour
3. Describe your least favorite co-worker of all time. So many co-workers, so little time...I'd have to say Maxine at the first Hallmark, Joy at the most recent Hallmark, and Brian Batch from McGraw-Hill.
4. What is your dream job? a zookeeper or Marine Biologist
5. What do you currently do and do you like it? I'm an editor for a small publishing company and I love my job. I get to do a lot of different things, and it's awesome. I just don't like some of the people I'm with ;) and, as with every job, it has its moments.
fridayfiver 1. How many weddings have you attended? about 10?
2. Wedding registries: buy from the list or freestyle it? list
3. Are you more likely to slow dance or participate in the chicken dance? depends on if I have a date or not
4. The garter find/toss experience: cute or tacky? tacky
5. If you could marry someone famous, who would it be? Hmm...Prince William :) or Bon Jovi