quotes - your best one

Jan 04, 2014 23:36

Was sitting here listening to a song when I started arguing with it - older country song and the lyric was "You gotta love that" and all I could think was... No, no, I don't.

I still think one of my best quotable moments was years ago on a road trip with friends(Ithildin, I know was there and S, who isn't on DW, and I think aka-Arduinna [and I can't remember how to link them right now] and an old Tom Petty song came on the radio and he sang "She's an American girl" and the first thing out of my mouth was

"No, she's not, she's a Russian spy." And the whole car just fell apart in laughter.

I also made a great one on Twitter once about my kitty cat not dancing for me, but Ith and Ninjababe hadn't seen the whole kitty cat dance meme and didn't get it :) Several other people did though :)

I've also made a few good HL-related ones.

So, tell me - what's the best line you've ever said that made a quote list somewhere that people cackled over?