
Sep 06, 2013 21:07

Hate to ask, but if anyone has a spare couple of dollars, could you throw it my way?

Had another water leak (actually more than one) and the last one isn't completely fixed. While the guy who fixes them for me might be willing to do it cheaply, I still have to buy the stuff and I'm broke. I also am kind of stiffing DirecTV for their bill, but when I was canceling the service, the rep said the company would try to bill my debit card and I should contact my bank to have them do a 'stop charges' thingy. The bank will do this, but they charge for it - $30, which I don't have. And buying some gas for the car and actual food might be nice. Kitty could stand a vet visit also, but isn't a pressing issue.

I've been looking at some work-at-home stuff, but have been having internet connection issues which make that a kind of useless venture until I get it sorted out (which I might have done) - phone & internet have been out twice in the past month. Niece says she'll pay me the money to cancel DirecTV, but I need a total bill so we can get it all paid off, which I should get this month (I'm a couple of months behind, plus the fee for early termination). Niece, in trying to get her inheritance from evil brother, let him intimidate her into moving back into her mom's house.

Just lots of little crap, piling up again. Can't figure out how to get ahead of it. But mostly the water leak and keeping DirecTV from overdrawing my account. If you can, Paypal address is trw2005@gmail.com. Maybe one day I'll be able to write something happy again.