So, I didn't stab the doctor

Oct 21, 2012 14:21

Though, at one point, my hand twitched toward my bag and needles :)

I have gallstones and ascites. And, when the doctor said that, all I could think was "Duh!" The gallstones are a fairly new diagnosis, but I've been complaining about the fluid buildup for a while now. But since I'm not having any symptoms of gallstones, they're not going to worry about them right now.

The probable problem is my liver. It was something they were worried about back when I had my weight loss surgery, but I don't remember anyone ever telling me that it was something to keep following up on, so ... I didn't. Probably cirrohsis, which, as Ithy reminded me, was something my mom had too - I said something about Mom having cirrohsis, but not being a big drinker. I know it's not necessarily connected to drinking, but you usually hear about it in connection with heavy drinkers. I'm deliberately not looking up info on the web, so as not to freak myself out until I have an official diagnosis & course of care.

I have to see yet another doctor - a GI specialist. My bariatric doc called someone and got a couple of names of doctors up here - I think one of them might actually have been Mom's doctor. And they're trying to set me up with an appointment, hopefully next week.

Fluid will have to hang around for a bit more, though I do know they can drain it, which wouldn't be terribly pleasant. I have had ascites before - back after my hysterectomy - so I'm pretty sure there are pills they can give me too, but they don't seem to want to do that until they know why. At least, now that seems to be what they're thinking, rather than the former "gee, no idea why you're bloated and not really caring either".

So no stabbing, and further doctor visits should be up here, rather than 2 hrs away. But it looks like another week of laying about in my recliner, trying to find a comfortable spot where I don't feel crushed and can breathe.