sucks to be me

Aug 13, 2012 04:39

So it's around 4:30 am, and I'm sitting outside a McD's borrowing wi-fi. {Sigh} Power went off around 7:30 pm Sunday night - I think there was a car accident, which truly sucks. But no power, starting to get dark, no a/c, so I took off to Panera and had a bite of dinner and stayed cool. 9 pm meant I had to get out :) so I called the house to check to see if the power was back on (if my answering machine picks up, I have power. If the phone keeps ringing, I don't.) Well, the niece & boyfriend were there having their dinner and watching a movie on her laptop - no power. He takes her over to a friend's house for the night and he goes home. Meanwhile I'm sitting outside a different McD's using their outside light to read by (fairly bright actually) when all of a sudden everything goes dark - it's now past 10 pm and they're closed and going home.

So I decide to go home and see how it is. Temp is okay, so I'm using a flashlight to read by. Actually one of those wind-up flashlights - I finished a book and then read another on my Kindle. Which is so weird btw - having to wind every couple of minutes so the light wouldn't get too dark for the screen :) Finally tried going to bed.

Bed happens, but not sleep. I need cold and moving air to sleep - I can do without the music and the CPAP, but it needs to be around 65F and there needs to be a fan moving air around. So around 4 am I dec..

OMG!!!! Power's back on!!!!! Yessssssssssssssssssss!

Um, sorry, called home while I was typing and the machine picked up :)

Oh, well, the suckage isn't so bad now :) There's still a lot of it, but I'll stop whining now and maybe go get a little sleep. Thank you for reading.

whine, life
