po'd update

Jun 16, 2012 23:11

Niece picked up a local admirer this past week - guy w/moped who took them for a couple of rides. I talked with him a bit yesterday when he showed up - kids weren't here. He struck me as a bit icky. And niece actually told him later that day that he was a creeper.

So today we were going out to WallyWorld - and I have 4 flat tires. Stabbed with a knife. Brother says it wasn't him (yes, I asked)(snotty prig) and it really doesn't seem like him, so we think it was the creeper.

Made a police report and then had the brainstorm of car insurance! So, I have to get the car towed, which means a flatbed truck, and the car place will get me new tires and all I pay is my deductible, which is $100. So I'll get a tow on Monday and 4 new tires. Grrrrrrr!

So getting the wireless router gets put off for a couple of days just in case we need the bit of money I have left for something.

Oh, and as an addendum to the previous update - the cats are handling everything very well too.

teh drama!
