Not bad :)

Jun 14, 2005 10:47

I got a little tip from somewhere online (via /. or I4U or somewhere...) about how to use your iPod to install Tiger on a non-DVD piece of hardware. This may not be news to any of you out there, but I don’t typically mess around with this sort of thing. It sounded easy enough. And hell, if I f*cked up my iPod, all I have to do is re-install all of the music, right? That only took 5 days.

So I did it.

Simply enough, my iPod has the manually-update, disk-mode enabled setup. I plugged it in without the dock to my imac.
With the Tiger install disk in the drive, I opened Disk utility from my hard drive.
With the ipod hilighted on the left side of the disk utility window, I clicked the “restore” tab up at the top.
I dragged the Tiger DVD icon to the “Source” textbox.
I dragged the iPod icon from the left side list to the “Destination” textbox.
Make sure that “Erase Destination” is NOT checked.
I clicked Restore.

This put the whole DVD on my iPod. It doesn’t take much space -- a few Gig, I think.

Then I unmounted the iPod and hooked it up to my iBook.
I opened the iPod icon to access the disk.
I double-clicked on the “install OS X TIger” icon and it did a regular install from there, no hassles. It wasn’t quite as fast as on my iMac, but it works fine.

Once the install was done, I erased all of the files from the iPod and it’s still running fine to play music and so on.

All seems well, things sync just fine, and now I’ve got seamless transfer of all of my data to and from the devices.


On a side note, this seems to work fairly well with *any* portable drive, if I’m reading the page right.
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