Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior

Feb 16, 2011 23:03

I missed the first few seconds, so I'm not sure where this one is set. The team's bullpen looks like they're set up in a middle school. And why can't they afford decent overhead lighting, like the CM.1 team has? Government cutbacks?

Glad to see Jeanine Garafalo! I've always liked her, and Forrest Whittaker.

I really question whether the FBI would take on a foreign national as an agent.

Garcia!! OK, now I'm really confused, but Yay Garcia!

If we really want to cut the national deficit, then why are all G-men (people) riding around in gas guzzling, brand new SUVs? Why are they always black? The cars, not the G-men (people) Well, some of them obviously . . .

Bald Guy is the Loose Canon. OK, I get it.

Forrest Whittaker (Sorry, I don't know anyone's name yet) is a lot more emotive than Hotch. His sermon at the dump site was a bit over the top.

When did the FBI start running in packs? Mulder and Scully got by ok. I miss them, except for that last season. Has anyone heard from Chris Carter since the last movie bombed?

Iasha is afraid of dolls. I was, too. They creeped me out. I preferred stuffed animals and guns.

The unsub is almost always a white male. It's like saying the sky is blue. Unless the bodies are found in water according to the previous CM.1. If I had to get rid of a body, I'd probably dump it in a river, too. Digging is too hard. Of course, there's always a wood chipper . . . Hmmm

Why do carmakers even build windowless vans? They are proven nesting places for serial killers and pedophiles.

According to an FBI Behavioral Unit study (really, I looked it up) 85% of the world's serial killers are in America. At any given time 20 - 50 unidentified active serial killers are at work continually changing their targets and methods. You'd think the BAU would have had them all cleaned up by now, given the number of episodes and seasons.

Yep, that grave digging sure looks like hard work. That wood chipper is looking better all the time.

Does the FBI accept ex-cons? Bald Guy did time for killing a man. But he was only a pedophile, so maybe that makes it ok? And he gives confessional speeches in the middle of fields at night to serial killers, which drives them to blow their own heads off. I was starting to empathize with the killer.

How do little girl actors fake crying so well? Do people pinch them? Stick them with needles? Pull their hair? How does one apply for such a job? What? I'm just sayin'

And they come home to what appears to be a garage bay/dojo. Where the hell are these people located??

Bald Guy gets a promotion for not shooting the serial killer. That's fair. But word certainly travelled fast. Faster than an expensive, gas guzzling SUV. Maybe if they had a jet, like the CM.1 team.

Well, it was OKish, if you can get past the cliched plot line and scenery chewing. I'll leave it on auto record for another week.


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