Nov 19, 2010 06:15
Up indecently early today. I'm having an EEG at 5pm and I have to be tired enough to sleep while they have me wired up. Since I can't have any caffeine for 12 hours previous I got up at 4 am so I could have an hour of coffee drinking before I go clean. You have to have your priorities, after all.
I have a long history of doctors thinking I might have some serious ailment which, after much expensive, worrisome testing, turns out to be nothing. I don't even get concerned anymore. My hands have been shaking worse, though it comes and goes, and it's inconvenient. Luckily the neurologist seems to have ruled out Parkinsons, and I think I could handle almost anything else now that that's off the table. My husband's aunt has that and it's a terrible disease. Dementia scares me almost as much as pain. Seeing someone disappear while they're still there . . . Something similar happened with my dad, although for different reasons, and it's beyond tragic. I'd much rather bow out gracefully than that.
So anyway, here I go again. I'm actually looking forward to it. Should be interesting to observe. Who knows? It might end up in a book someday. Everything is research.