We go to St. Louis at least once a year. Our favorite area of town is the Soulard, which is just south of downtown. I was there this past weekend, and each day went out photowalking early in the mornings with a film camera--mostly since I usually have to get up early for work and never seem to be able to sleep late, no matter how hard I try. I waited until the sun came up enough to give me a decent shutter speed, and ventured out. All the shots below were done with a mint condition Argus C-3 ("The Brick") I bought at an antique shop there, on Legacy Pro 100 film and souped in Kodak D-76, stock strength. Click to embiggen.
You can see more from this set here. I also shot some color film on these walks, but I'm hoarding my expired color film until I get a few rolls and can get my hands wet doing C-41 processing. I also got some Rodinal recently (under the Compard R09 One Shot moniker) and can't wait to do some stand development once I get more B&W film shot.