Онлайн голосование - опрос CNN

Feb 28, 2011 22:48

Суперматч Палестина-Израиль.
Палестина ведет со счетом 51%:49%. Публика, в основном, англоязычная.
Кто хочет, тоже может поучаствовать. Проголосовало 4548444 человека (на момент написания поста). Голосовать можно раз в час (если не читерствовать со сменой IP). За кого проголосовал я, думаю, понятно. За fucking human weed.

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Довольно интересно высказываются по поводу. Особенно зажигает Грег из Штатов (внизу)

Voted for Palestine
(26 minutes 23 seconds ago)

100% in favor of cutting off the stipend to the Jews !! We cannot continue to let our own citizens, especially the middle and lower cla ss ones, live on the edge of “the unknown” while giving the Jews BILLIONS !! Let them fend for themselves.

Observer (33 minutes 41 seconds ago)

Only SATAN Would choose a murd3rer, rap!st, blasph3mer, pedoph!le & p0wer hungry madm@n as his Prophet. Islam Brings MISERY, POVERTY & WAR wherever it goes & DESTROYS every civilization it encounters. In the last 1400 years, 270 million Christians, Hindus & Buddhists have been slaughtered by Muslim Jihadists. Islam is a Sick, Insane Evil Cult that uses mind control to subjugate its followers & fear & Death to Terrorize ANYONE who disagrees with its twisted Doctrine

Voted for Palestine
(33 minutes 58 seconds ago)

Israel is mostly a nation that lives by theft, murder, lies, back-stabbing, false flags, extortion rackets and bleeding the USA dry of blood and wealth.So who’s the real extremists in the ME?And why did the USA have NO enemies in the ME before Israel came into existence?


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