14. Moments in the books/movies that made you cry
I don't usually cry when things happen, but after they do, in some cases. I cried after Dumbledore died, when I had to think about it. I cried when Dobby died (I was thinking "Why, God, why??"). Also when Fred, Lupin and Tonks died, and when I thought Hagrid was about to, swallowed by spiders (how ironical would that have been?). "The forest again" makes me cry, too ('I'm about to die', come on!).
I would probably cry when rereading other parts, now, because I think of them, and everything they mean.
Oh, and I was about to cry at the end of the HBP movie, but... you know, I was on my own in the cinema, I didn't want to... I ran to the bathroom (partly because my bladder was exploding, too).
And well... I almost cried at the beginning of HBP, with all that flying scene, the tragedy at Millenium Bridge and the mayhem in Diagon Alley. I felt really weird. Perhaps something was dawning on me at that moment, I don't know.
Hermione in the HBP movie makes me cry too, because it's too painful to watch it, even more than reading about it! And then Ron in DH, the book, screaming for Hermione... oh, simply heartbreaking.
***I want to use this entry to promote two things: first, that the
HP Canon Fest has started, and I can't wait to read and see all of the entries, and see the two I've sumitted ^^
Second, that the official sign-ups for the
Ron and Hermione Big Bang Challenge are tomorrow, and since I haven't gone cold feet by now, I can't wait to submit my summary, send my draft and be matched with an artist!
Edit: Perhaps you remember about my argument with an obnoxious being in Veritaserum Forums. Well, I pmed her so as to clarify my "aggressions" to her persona, and she replied just now. I'm having the topmost laugh; not only she keeps bloody breaking every grammar/common sense rule, in a very proud way, but also she says that "my polite remarks" (yes, they were polite! Maybe ironically, but still...) are aggressive and random. Oh dear, Hermione (her heroine, her worshipped character) would be ashamed of reading her stupid arguments and comparisons *roll eyes*