
Jul 24, 2008 12:49

The Amazing Remote-Control Otters!

OK, for this next trick, you need to get a remote-control device.  TV, stereo, it doesn't really matter, as long as it has a really big button on it.  Go ahead, we'll wait. (elevator music, dum dee dum...)  Got it?  Now, incredible as this may sound, your remote control will let you switch off these otters' brains all at once.  Start the video, and get ready to push the really big button ... right ... about ...

(00:24) ... now.  Was that cool or what?!
Wait, we're gonna do it again.  On your mark ... get set ...

(00:36) ... click.

image Click to view

They sez we haz remote-controlled brainz.
I rezentz dat.
We're just playin' wit yah.
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