Apr 20, 2009 22:16
I was looking at old posts, and it made me want to write a bit. I want to be a good little poster, and update quasi-regularly about my life. I'm just lazy is all. So let's see...Seattle was AMAZING!!! The weather was fantastic and I wish I could have seen more of the city itself. I got everything I was hoping to get and the panels were awesome. The DC Nation panel actually succeeded in getting me psyched about upcoming events, go them! The BSG panel was really funny, I think it keeps getting pulled from youtube, but if you can find it watch it. Wil Wheaton was also hilarious, I keep meaning to take a look at his blog, maybe tonight will be the night. Have also started reading Sam and Fuzzy since the con (I bought one of the t-shirts from their booth), it is quite amusing. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier was excellent. I may find Alan Moore to be incredibly pretentious, but the man can write. The only bad thing that happened was that I got violently ill Saturday night and wasn't sure I would make it to the con Sunday. I prevailed in the end thankfully. On another note, Sim, I don't think it was Celiac after all because I have had gluten since then and haven't been ill. Played almost fourteen straight hours of Marry, Date, Cliff on the way home. That was the main thing I wanted to post about, if I think of anything else I will update. Oh, and I got a haircut today. It is an inverted bob with bangs. I think it is quite nice, although I am not sure how well I will be able to maintain it.