Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,699 Summary: The morning after and an unexpected, not to mention unwelcome, visitor.
He'd tried to shy away from the label before, even if it had slipped through at times, but even Dean knew he couldn't do that anymore. Not after last night. He'd given Castiel a frigging blowjob after all and oral sex was still sex in his book, despite what certain presidents might have to say on the issue.
LOL but so true!
Dean opened one eye enough to see that, yes, Castiel was tracing the outline of the mark he'd left. Dean huffed, his angel was apparently possessive. Instead of triggering some kind of automatic objection or defense, it served to sooth him in a bizarre way. It allowed him to think that Castiel would stick around as long as Heaven needed stuff done on Earth.
Possessive but so sweet! Yeah.
The sight of Castiel licking their cum off his fingers had Dean's dick twitching as he followed that tongue's movements with his eyes.
"Well?" Dean asked, curious.
"It is different from a hamburger."LOL! Oh Cas
( ... )
I couldn't help myself with the Clinton quip. Possessive!Cas is one of my kinks in this fandom. See icon for another one. Yes, definitely creepy, but I needed another vessel for Michael. But things aren't all quite what they seem at this point... Thanks!
Wow, that's a lot for one go. I'm glad the length isn't off-putting for new people! I seem to have fallen into an every other day updating pattern. I hope to be able to stick to that, but we'll see. I'm a few chapters up at the present but things can change quickly. Thanks!
I will only forgive you for that evil cliffhanger because you gave me all that lovely morning hotness at the beginning of the chapter ;-) Thanks for updating. I was having a bad day when I saw the update, it really cheered me up! Can't wait for the next part!
Comments 26
LOL but so true!
Dean opened one eye enough to see that, yes, Castiel was tracing the outline of the mark he'd left. Dean huffed, his angel was apparently possessive. Instead of triggering some kind of automatic objection or defense, it served to sooth him in a bizarre way. It allowed him to think that Castiel would stick around as long as Heaven needed stuff done on Earth.
Possessive but so sweet! Yeah.
The sight of Castiel licking their cum off his fingers had Dean's dick twitching as he followed that tongue's movements with his eyes.
"Well?" Dean asked, curious.
"It is different from a hamburger."LOL! Oh Cas ( ... )
Possessive!Cas is one of my kinks in this fandom. See icon for another one.
Yes, definitely creepy, but I needed another vessel for Michael. But things aren't all quite what they seem at this point...
And Michael, eep!!
Eep is definitely the word of the day here. Thanks for the feedback.
So I read this story in one go yesterday, and I was sooo happy when I saw the new chapter today! :D
This was AWESOME. As always.
Can't wait for more.
Oh, I'm glad it managed to help. Thanks for the feedback!
Also, your Cas is SO adorable!
Thanks! He's a lot of fun to write.
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